Acupuncture provides long-term relief of chronic pain


Ms X Y Zhang    Liverpool Chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:  07525760837

Practice address: 108 Pilch Lane, Liverpool, L14 7QD.


Here is an another article from The journal of British Acupuncture Council (spring 2017)

“The beneficial effects of a course of acupuncture for patients with chronic pain appear to persist for at least twelve months. according to a secondary analysis of data from the Acupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration, Professor Hugh MacPherson and co-authors used meta-analytic techniques to determine the trajectory of post-treatment pain scores in a large individual patient dataset from 20 high-quality randomised trials of acupuncture for chronic pain. including data from 6376 patients. In trials comparing acupuncture to a no acupuncture control, effect sizes for acupuncture diminished by a non-significant 0.011 standard deviations(SD) per three months from the end of the treatment period. This suggests that about 90 per cent of the benefit of acupuncture relative to controls is sustained at twelve months from the end of treatment. Foe trials comparing acupuncture to sham, a reduction in effect size of0.025 SD per three months was observed, suggesting about a 50 per cent diminution of the benefit for acupuncture relative to sham at twelve months.”



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Patients satisfaction survey for acupuncturist


Ms X Y Zhang    Liverpool Chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:   07525760837

Practice address:   108 Pilch Lane, Liverpool, L14 7QD.


I believe that the most of people will ask around to find out wither it is worth to try acupuncture before they decide to book appointment with an acupuncturist. Recently I have noticed a very interesting article from the Journal of British Acupuncture council and I would ike to share this article with every one who may like to read.

“ Top mark for acupuncturist in patient satisfaction survey

A landmark survey of 89000 acupuncture patients being treated for musculoskeletal pain has found that 93 per cent said their acupuncturist was successful in treating their primary complaint. most of these patients had experienced chronic pain for many years and had been seeing an acupuncturist as a last resort.

So they were not a group that was likely to get spontaneously better, In addition, 99 per cent of patients surveyed rated the quality of care and services received from acupuncturist as good to excellent. These levels of patient satisfaction exceed national benchmark averages for conventional care providers. American Specialty Health(ASH a major supplier of healthcare services to American insurance company’s) used a validated, government developed survey tool to investigate what acupuncture patients had to say about their experience with their ASH registered acupuncture provider. Only 0.014 per cent (13 out of 89769) of patients reported a minor adverse event., with no serious ones reported.”

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Acupuncture needle faint


Ms X Y Zhang    Liverpool Chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:  07525760837

Practice address:  108 Pilch Lane, Liverpool, L14 7QD



It is not common in clinic to have a patient go into needle faint but still sometime it is happen especially in the first time treatment.


How to prevent needle faint as an experienced acupuncturist?

1, Firstble  check your patient has eaten before treatment, lack of food is one of the most common causes of needle faint.

2. Make sure that your patient is not overtired before the acupuncture treatment.

3, Treating the patient lying down, or sitting so they can lean forward against a couch or chair if necessary.

4, Explaining the treatment thoroughly and reassure nervous patients.

5, Taking time and gently needle especially need carefu at first time.

6. Using less needles on very nervous patients.

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Is acupuncture effective?

Acupuncturist:  Ms X Y Zhang     registered with British    acupuncture Council.

Clinic address: 108 Pilch lane, Liverpool, L14 7QD.

Contact Tel:   07525760837

Is acupuncture effective?  This is the most common question people ask in my many years acupuncture practise time in Liverpool. As an acupuncturist, I fully understand that people want to know that  they spend money on something worth it.

The effects of acupuncture are complex. How it works is not entirely clear. we do know that acupuncture may be beneficial if you have low back pain. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends it for lower back pain that lasts longer than six weeks but less than a year. You may have a maximum of ten sessions over a 12 week period. Most of lower back pain patients I have seen in my clinic had different level of relief after one or two course acupuncture treatment. result of treatment is quite positive.

But acupuncture is not just for lower back pain, acupuncture can very effect to various pain problem and also alleviate a wide variety of ailments that have nothing to do with physical pain. Weather you have gynaecological conditions, emotional concerns such as anxiety and depression you name it, acupuncture can help to relief your symptoms.

Why different people tell you different story about the effect of acupuncture. Some of people had great help from acupuncture, some just had benefit from acupuncture but not great. Then some other said no benefit at all from acupuncture treatment. Suppose this is very normal response for an therapy treatment. but I have to say that effective of acupuncture is very much relate with following facts:

1. Severe level and duration of your problem.

The more severe and longer of your problem, the less effect of acupuncture you may have. Suggesting don’t wait your problem too long and too bad before see an acupuncturist.

 2. Acupuncturist skills and experience.

Research suggests that the needling process, such as needle insertion, needling manipulation and sensation, needle duration and other techniques used in acupuncture, may produce a variety of effects in the body and the brain. Suggesting make sure your acupuncturist is registered and experienced.

3. How many treatments you have had.

It is like any kind of treatment you need certain sessions treatment before feeling of benefit. Suggesting you better to follow your acupuncturist treatment instruction in order to receive considerable effect.

4. The attitude toward the treatment.

The majority of westerners know nothing about acupuncture treatment. Therefore easily negative toward the acupuncture. this negative attitude certainly plays negative effect on the treatment. Suggesting do some home work or ask your acupuncturist clearly explaining the treatment to understand more acupuncture before having the treatment.

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Acupuncture and Frozen shoulder

Ms X Y Zhang  Liverpool Chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:    07525760837

Clinic Address:    108 Pilch Lane. Liverpool,l  L14 7QD

You may have read a lots of information about how acupuncture benefit frozen shoulder through internet. But in here, I like to share  my experience and success about  using acupuncture on frozen shoulder with other acupuncturist and frozen shoulder patients.

What possible change inside of shoulder when you have frozen shoulder ?

Frozen shoulder is most common in people aged 40-60 years and, in up to 20% of those affected. There is no universally accepted definition of frozen shoulder and the cause is poorly understood. What possible change might have inside of shoulder with frozen shoulder? It is thought that scar tissue forms in the fibrous capsule surrounding the shoulder joint, causing it to thicken and contract, so restricting shoulder movement. This is why frozen shoulder patients often feel not just pain but shooting sensations that radiate either down the arm or into the neck.

How acupuncture benefits frozen shoulder.

From many years acupuncture practising, I have developed a very effective way to use acupuncture treating frozen shoulder. The success rate is considerable high with patients who I have treated in my practice in last many years. You may want to know what acupuncture treatment process involved. First, I give 30mines normal acupuncture on patient’s shoulder, arm and hand with electricity simulate and lamp heat to improve the blood circulation and relax muscles around shoulder joint. Secondly,  I insert one needles into a specific acupuncture point on patient’s leg after taking out every needle around shoulder and asking patient to sit up. Then I ask patient to slowly start to move around the shoulder as much as possible about  10 mines  while the needle is still in  the leg. Don’t worry, patients wouldn’t feel much shooting pain when doing shoulder movement because the needle in the specific point can control the pain level. I have mentioned above the scar tissue forms in the fibrous capsule surrounding the shoulder joint with frozen shoulder. This whole acupuncture treatment is aim to separate these tissues surrounding shoulder from the early stage of scar to allow shoulder movement normal and free from pain. Now you can understand the more early treatment  you have ( before scar tissue forms), the more chance to fully free from the pain.

Patients normally fear to move and exercise  their shoulder in case causing terrible pain around shoulder when they are in their home.  The less shoulder movement and exercise, the more easy scar tissue forms. With acupuncture helping to improve the blood flowing and control the pain level around shoulder, patients can start to move and exercise their shoulder properly to achieve maximum shoulder recovering.

Most of patients can start to feel less pain and increase mobility in just one or two sessions treatment. But to achieving 90% of pain free and movement, you need about 10 sessions treatment average.

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How acupuncture can help to manage chronic low back pain

Ms X Y Zhang.  Liverpool chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:   07525760837

Practice address: 108 Pilch lane. Liverpool L14 7QD

Most people who suffer chronic low back pain have to lean how to manage the low back pain in their routine for the rest of the life. The causes of  the back pain are different for individual people. For some patients,  the damage is becoming permanent  and have to lean how to deal with it. Apart from getting help from medical professionals, it is also very helpful to find an effective alterative treatment. Chinese acupuncture works better than anything modern medicine has advised for the treatment of back pain, scientists have concluded .  I believe that many these patients already heard or tried acupuncture.  What I like to explain and recommend in here is how acupuncture can help you to manage your chronic back pain,

How acupuncture helps to relief chronic low back pain and prevent  the conditions getting any worse.

Because it is No 1 reported reason for seeking acupuncture treatment and the good news is chronic low back pain is one of the conditions that research suggests acupuncture may be an effective tool for treating as I have explained in one of my previous blog.

It is very difficult to understand a traditional paradigm of a completely different healing system. There are different way to explain how acupuncture works and hopefully these explanation can help you to understand acupuncture.

Traditional Chinese Medicine view:

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body has more than 300 common used points. they are connected by pathways or meridians, which create a flow of energy called Oi. Stimulating these points is said to correct the imbalance of qi and improve the flow of energy. The  better energy flow consequence improves blood flow. Both improved energy flow and circulation of blood help to relieve pain and improve health.

Western medicine view:

It’s thought the effects come from stimulating the central nervous system. This may trigger the release of chemicals such as endorphins into the muscle, spinal cord, and nerves. These chemicals either alter the experience of pain or produce bodily changes that promote a sense of well being.

How many treatment do you need and how regular to have the acupuncture?.

I suggest to my patients having one or two courses which is about five sessions or ten sessions treatment and once or twice weekly depending on how severe pain you having.  When your pain is improved and easier, it is not good idea to completely stop the treatment. To manage the chronic pain for better quality life, It is better to carry on the acupuncture treatment once monthly for a  longer term. Because keeping regular treatment to improve the energy and blood flew around the low back can help to prevent the pain getting worse as your age growing and also help to strength your back muscle to prevent the pain coming back easily.

For many people, it is an very new idea. Wondering does acupuncture really work? To make sure you make right decision and you don’t waste your money for nothing, you could visit my practise when you are need and give a try for a few sessions. When the treatment is working then you know it is right treatment for you.  

I also like to mention again that I am an fully qualified and very experienced acupuncturist and practise the treatment under safe and hygiene conditions. 


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Acupuncture and Sciatica

Ms X Y Zhang   Liverpool chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

ontact Tel:     07525760837

Practice address :    108 Pilch Lane. Liverpool. L14 7QD.

I have used acupuncture treating  many people suffering  from sciatica with great benefit. But I have to point out that not every individual patient received significant relieve from acupuncture treatment. sciatica occurs when something pushes on the sciatic nerve. This can be a muscle spasm, the spinal disc slipped out, and sometimes even the spine itself. Most often this pain is due to muscle spasms or a slipped disc. There are a few of factors which might affect the treatment effect.  it is very much depending on the cause of sciatica, also the numbers of the treatment  received and the life style.

What factors can affect acupuncture effect.

1) Muscle spasms are a common cause of sciatica. Most often is the pisiforms muscle, but it can be other muscles in the low back and pelvic region. If the pisiforms muscle starts to spasm or becomes tight, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and cause the pain as well as the radiating symptoms. People with this type of sciatica pain normally can have great relieve from acupuncture treatment.

2) Slipped disc, is when a small portion of the spinal disc bulges out of the spinal column. This disc then pushes on the sciatic nerve causing pain. in some severe cases, spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the spinal canal, can push on the nerve and cause pain. Acupuncture treatment has very limited effect on this type of the sciatica pain.

3) Another serious cause of sciatica is the spinal tumours, which require immediate medical attention.

4). The numbers of the acupuncture treatment received. Acupuncture is a therapy process that does take one or a few of the courses of the treatment in order to achieve maximum treatment effect. some of the patients do experience some relieve and some don’t feel the benefit after the first treatment. By 4 to 6 treatment most people with sciatica can have significant easier in pain. if people stop the acupuncture treatment too soon after just one or two treatment, obvoursely this is one of the reason some of the people might have the impression that acupuncture doesn’t help sciatica.

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Acupuncture and tinnitus, deafness

Ms X Y Zhang    Liverpool chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:       07525760837

Practice address:    108 Pilch Lane, Liverpool, L14 7QD

Some people have braved enough to try acupuncture for their tinnitus or deafness problem. But majority of patients with tinnitus I believe don’t have any ideas of acupuncture effect on tinnitus and deafness. Currently there are no surgical interventions or medication available for the treatment of tinnitus or deafness. There are a number of ways in which you can manage your tinnitus. Acupuncture certainly  is one of these ways.

As an  Chinese acupuncturist and herbalist, I am quite proud  that acupuncture has been used to treat tinnitus or deafness for hundreds of years in China, much controversy remains as to its effectiveness and long-term success rate. Therefore , majority Chinese tinnitus or deafness sufferers like to have acupuncture for their problem.

How acupuncture can treat tinnitus and deafness

Many researching and survey show that the most of tinnitus and deafness can be treated by acupuncture. The traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic techniques, which look for sign of health weakness that may not be show to a tinnitus sufferer but are the result of an underlying health problem, allow an acupuncturist to have a picture of the imbalance health with the tinnitus surface. Acupuncture practitioners normally consider that tinnitus can be divided into two types according to differentiation of clinical syndromes: the excess type and the deficiency type. The excess type is characterized by strong ringing, whistling or hissing sound in the ears accompanied by dizziness and irritability. This type can be often seen in an ear inflammation or after being exposed to loud noises or after an period of stressful and exhausted  time, an emotional and mental upset, for example after a big family or work problem.  The deficiency type is characterized by low ringing sound in the ears accompanied by weakness of health and energy, other illness or different level of deafness or simply due to old age. Acupuncturist normally chose different acupuncture points to treat different type of tinnitus. Therefore finding an experienced acupuncturist is important.

According to the information from British Acupuncture Council, acupuncture may help relieve tinnitus by:

* acting on the cochlea, specifically on the contractile activity of outer hear cells

* acting on the function of the efferent olivocochlear system to suppress otoacoustic emissions.

* altering the brain’s chemistry, increasing neuropeptide.

* reducing inflammation, by promoting release of vascular and immunomodulatory actors.

* increasing local microcirculation.

* releasing anxiety and stress.

I hope that above information can help tinnitus and deafness sufferers to find better way to manager their problem and improve the quality of life. Please contact me with above telephone number for more information or treatment.

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what is electro acupuncture?

Ms X Y Zhang   Liverpool chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Practice address:  108 Pilch Lane, Liverpool, L14 7QD.

Contact Tel:            07525760837

Electro acupuncture is a kind of therapeutic technique which is very often used in some acupuncture clinic. It involves an electric current which  has to be connected with the needles inserted into the acupoints. The electric current is very weak almost as weak as bioelectric current. It can strengthen the stimulation on the acupoint. Therefore the electro acupuncture is generally used to adjust body function, increase effect on sever pain problems, improve blood circulation, and adjust muscular tension, etc.

Generally, electro acupuncture is only used on one to three pair of  needling  acupoints each treatment. If too many electro acupuncture needling acupoints used once, It may induce too strong stimulation for patient to stand it.

There are five  different wave and frequency of electric current can be selected to use in the electro acupuncture treatment. They are dense wave, sparse wave, irregular wave, intermittent wave and saw tooth wave. In the clinic, only irregular wave is very often selected to use. The irregular wave also termed alternately dense wave and sparse wave. This wave is formed by spontaneously alternate appearance of low and high wave. It can help to increase the effect of improvement of  metabolism and circulation of Qi (energy) and blood, to enhance tissue nutrition, and to reduce inflammatory swelling. Therefore it is usually used for sever pain problems, injuries, arthritis, disorders of circulation of Qi and blood, sciatica neuralgia, back pain, facial paralysis, impairment of joint, muscle and ligament and  limbs paralysis. etc.


Any patient with heart disease and the pregnant women shouldn’t have electro acupuncture

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