Acupuncture and Frozen shoulder

Ms X Y Zhang  Liverpool Chinese acupuncturist registered with British acupuncture council.

Contact Tel:    07525760837

Clinic Address:    108 Pilch Lane. Liverpool,l  L14 7QD

You may have read a lots of information about how acupuncture benefit frozen shoulder through internet. But in here, I like to share  my experience and success about  using acupuncture on frozen shoulder with other acupuncturist and frozen shoulder patients.

What possible change inside of shoulder when you have frozen shoulder ?

Frozen shoulder is most common in people aged 40-60 years and, in up to 20% of those affected. There is no universally accepted definition of frozen shoulder and the cause is poorly understood. What possible change might have inside of shoulder with frozen shoulder? It is thought that scar tissue forms in the fibrous capsule surrounding the shoulder joint, causing it to thicken and contract, so restricting shoulder movement. This is why frozen shoulder patients often feel not just pain but shooting sensations that radiate either down the arm or into the neck.

How acupuncture benefits frozen shoulder.

From many years acupuncture practising, I have developed a very effective way to use acupuncture treating frozen shoulder. The success rate is considerable high with patients who I have treated in my practice in last many years. You may want to know what acupuncture treatment process involved. First, I give 30mines normal acupuncture on patient’s shoulder, arm and hand with electricity simulate and lamp heat to improve the blood circulation and relax muscles around shoulder joint. Secondly,  I insert one needles into a specific acupuncture point on patient’s leg after taking out every needle around shoulder and asking patient to sit up. Then I ask patient to slowly start to move around the shoulder as much as possible about  10 mines  while the needle is still in  the leg. Don’t worry, patients wouldn’t feel much shooting pain when doing shoulder movement because the needle in the specific point can control the pain level. I have mentioned above the scar tissue forms in the fibrous capsule surrounding the shoulder joint with frozen shoulder. This whole acupuncture treatment is aim to separate these tissues surrounding shoulder from the early stage of scar to allow shoulder movement normal and free from pain. Now you can understand the more early treatment  you have ( before scar tissue forms), the more chance to fully free from the pain.

Patients normally fear to move and exercise  their shoulder in case causing terrible pain around shoulder when they are in their home.  The less shoulder movement and exercise, the more easy scar tissue forms. With acupuncture helping to improve the blood flowing and control the pain level around shoulder, patients can start to move and exercise their shoulder properly to achieve maximum shoulder recovering.

Most of patients can start to feel less pain and increase mobility in just one or two sessions treatment. But to achieving 90% of pain free and movement, you need about 10 sessions treatment average.

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